“Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the Earth are never alone or weary of life.”
– Rachel Carson
Refresh, Discover, Renew
Fox Haven offers a variety of interactive experiences for adults and families that are both educational and fun! Each experience can be scheduled as stand-alone classes or woven into a retreat, farmhouse rental, community gathering, or a planned farm visit with family and friends. A minimum of 8 participants is required.

Cultivate Wonder & Joy
View our program descriptions and fill out our contact form to let us know what you’re looking for. A Fox Haven representative will be in touch within 3-5 business days of your request. If you’re in a hurry or have a question, call 240-490-5484 for assistance.
Tour the Garden and enjoy a tea tasting with Fox Haven Staff. Learn about the plants that are ripe for medicine making. From the ferny plant that made Absinthe, to the root that made the first marshmallow, to the flower that stops bleeding – we’ll tour the stories and senses that fill our garden.
1 hour | $15 per person
Visit the farm for a tour of riparian buffer zones, warm and cool-season grasses, and trees upon trees in beautiful fields and forests. We will discuss the steps that we’ve taken at Fox Haven to protect the streams, creeks, and waterways, build biodiversity in the plant and animal worlds, and why it’s important. You might get some ideas for actions that you can take in your own yards, parks, schools, and resources for how to bring it all to life.
1.5 hours | $15 per person
Take a walk on the wild side and get to know the plants that grow in our region. You will learn how to identify them safely, and what medicinal and culinary traits they offer.
1 hours | $20 per person
Enjoy a presentation led by our beekeeper, Taylor Roman. Learn about the amazing biology and behavior of honey bees, how honey is made, and the importance of all bees and other pollinators in the production of food. This class can is geared towards anyone interested in the amazing world of honey bees! Weather permitting, a hive opening tour of our apiary is included. Participants are welcome to pack a picnic to enjoy on the land before or after class.
1.5 hours | $20 per person
Association of Nature and Forest Therapy trained guide will lead you through sensory invitations to help you slow down, awaken your senses, and reconnect with nature.
2.5 hours | $30 per person
Nature Sound Bath & Mindful Meditation
Come immerse yourself in a rejuvenating sound bath and tea ceremony. Using crystal and/or brass singing bowls, this 90-minute experience utilizes frequency, vibration and stillness to create a meditative and relaxing environment–promoting a sense of calm and peace. This sound journey will enable you to enter a deep, alpha-theta brainwave state, in which healing is stimulated at the cellular level for a therapeutic and transformational experience. The sound bath will conclude with a mini tea ceremony to nourish and re-integrate the spirit with the body.
Mindful Meditation & Movement
Gentle movement stretches, and breathing exercises combined with a short meditation session to ease you into your day or wind down after a day full of meetings, training, biking, or volunteering on the farm. 1, 1.5, and 2 hour classes available | $20 per person
We’ll travel the woods and fields of Fox Haven, stopping as we go to practice different outdoor skills. You will learn how to read the landscape and navigate it with and without a compass, and build shelters out of what we bring and what we can find. We’ll end the class by learning how to make and tend a fire while telling survival stories. This is a 4 season option. Boy Scout and Girl Scout groups are welcome. We can work with your merit badge quest!
4 hours | $45 per person
To secure your reservation, a discussion with a Fox Haven representative is required. Once confirmed, please submit payment via check or online at least 7 days before your event. Should payment not be received, Fox Haven will issue a reminder that requires a response within 24 hours. We will consider the agreement null and void if payment is not received.
Checks can be submitted by mail addressed to Fox Haven Learning Center, 3630 Poffenberger Rd, Jefferson, MD 21755
Payment can also be submitted online via PayPal using the following link: www.foxhavenfarm.org/donate/
If you have trouble submitting payment, please call (240) 490-5484.
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