- Fox Haven has provided free programs and outreach to 834 people
- Close to 2,000 people have been served through our educational programs and field trips
- 9 Interns have benefited from time on the land and in class with our team and partners; 4 interns moved into teaching at Fox Haven, with 7 planning to teach in 2022
- 68 volunteers devoted time, energy, and care in the gardens, orchard, and with events
- 35% of our teachers came from BIPOC communities, with an increase coming in 2022
- 17 groups and multiple individuals have received reparations through our BIPOC reparations program – black, indigenous,& people of color *This is a helpful article on reparations.
- We provided 6 months of meaningful farm-based volunteer opportunities for members of the ARC of Washington County with intellectual and developmental disabilities where they learned farm skills to add to their budding job skills resumes.
- 2,390 people have been refreshed and revitalized through their experiences gathering in the farmhouses, the dairy parlor, and walking the educational nature trails that we maintain at Fox Haven
- 66 Herb CSA members from the DMV area, and multiple a la cart customers, created all sorts of teas, tinctures, and salves to improve their health and the health of others
- 5 acres of orchard and herb crops were managed for plant and insect biodiversity and provided healthy food for thousands of pollinators, including 3 hives for honey bees
- 5+ acres of pollinator and butterfly habitat were tended with great care
- Fox Haven honeybee hives were added to Antietam National Historic Park and to Willow Oaks Farm and Cidery to improve the health of their historic orchards
- 36.04 MWh were produced through our Big Red Barn’s solar panels
- 316,037.81 pounds of carbon emissions were saved
- 11 volunteer nest monitors collected data from our 70 bluebird boxes this season to send to the Cornell Ornithology labs
- 168 bluebirds known to have fledged safely
- 19 Fox Haven Members signed up for the first time in 2021! You can too, by clicking here.