News: A special message you from our Director, JoAnn
As systems of all kinds break down, fall apart, and are no longer able to meet the needs of all, we find that nature’s systems continue to provide pathways to health. At Fox Haven, we strive together to help people find these pathways. As we continue on our journey together we hope that you will walk with us.
Wishing you health and peace from JoAnn and the crew at Fox Haven!

JoAnn Coates-Hunter: Education and Operations Director
JoAnn’s hope for Fox Haven is that we continue to offer respite, opportunities for learning, discussion, reflection, and play in sacred space on the farm. If everyone leaves the farm with a new understanding of self, nature, and our inter-dependency and connection she is happy. If everyone leaves with an action that they will take – be it a new gardening or farming technique, an energy-saving act in the home/school/business/farm, a letter or phone call made to a business or governmental body, or a plan for a community garden or food and nutrition program, all the better!
JoAnn has over 30 years of experience in outdoor and indoor education, administration, and mentoring. She is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, Earlham College and School of Religion, and holds a teaching certificate from Brown University.