News: 4 Herbal Powerhouses to Keep in your Kitchen

News: 4 Herbal Powerhouses to Keep in your Kitchen

In addition to the critical practice of personal hygiene (being mindful of what your hands come into contact with, frequently washing hands, wiping down used surfaces, and drinking plenty of fluids), it can be helpful to add these common herbs into your daily regimen for preventative care. 



Elderberry syrup is a highly palatable remedy that has been used to reduce the duration and intensity of influenza. Kids love it as a sweet treat and it will give them the quick immune boost they need any time of year! Best of all, it’s easy to make from scratch, try this recipe!



This highly potent antimicrobial and antiviral can prevent infection inside or outside the body. Not only does it knock out many common cold and flu viruses, its effectiveness also spans to treat a broad range of fungus, intestinal parasites, and yeast. Cooking garlic, however, destroys the allicin (antiviral compound), so you’ll need to use raw garlic to prevent or fight infections  



Rosemary contains an antiviral compound called Oleanolic acid. Rosemary essential oil is great to put in a diffuser to cleanse the air. If you have it fresh, it makes a great tea or herbal steam to clear the lungs.  



Wild Onion
In the early Spring, this plant grows everywhere! A tea made from the wild onion works great as an expectorant, helping loosen up congestion from colds, bronchitis, or sinus infections. It’s high in vitamin C, fiber, and trace minerals, especially sulfur.



Teach your kids to forage your backyard and make a simple pesto recipe! 
Just be sure that your land is pesticide-free to enjoy this delicious snack.


Foraged Wild Onion Pesto



  1. Wild Onion tops
  2. Garlic Mustard Leaves (another wild edible plant that is good when picked before flowering or as a young flowering plant)
  3. Walnuts
  4. Olive Oil
  5. Parmesan
  6. Salt/Pepper/Other desired seasonings




  1. Thoroughly clean your harvested plants. Rinse thoroughly under cool running water or let sit in a bowl of cool water for 20 minutes then rinse under running water.
  2. If you pulled the whole wild onion or wild garlic, cut off the root cluster at the bottom of the plant. Then place plants in the food processor about 1/3 full.
  3. If you collected garlic mustard, use only the leaves. Place those in the processor as well.
  4. Add an equal amount of nuts into the food processor
  5. Add 1/2 cup of olive oil
  6. Add 1/2 cup of parmesan
  7. BLEND. If while blending, things are not fully pulverizing, add more olive oil. 
  8. Add seasonings to taste, and then blend some more.



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