Video: A typical day working as an intern at Fox Haven! 

Video: A typical day working as an intern at Fox Haven! 

Helping out on the farm is a lot of hard work but a lot of fun. We will typically start the day reviewing what we have to get done and practicing something mindful or informative. Sometimes it is just a conversation but on this day, we did a sit-spot. Almost every time I have gone in to help, we have taken a garden walk. Garden walks help me with identifying plants I am not familiar with and it is also a super relaxing experience. I have loved the physical outdoor work as a way to escape from the screen. I am so used to my online classes that I found it difficult at first to feel grounded working in the garden. As the season went on, I really came to enjoy the weeding and planting. It is a great time for me to sit still and connect with nature without any distractions. I love chatting with the other interns, of course, because they make the sometimes difficult, bearing tasks fly by. I love making conversation with such lively, intelligent people and I am so incredibly privileged to work with them. I always learn something new when I get the opportunity to talk with them. My favorite activity is flipping the compost. I really tune in when I do it, and I have thoroughly enjoyed contributing to it with my own scraps at home. It is hard work, so I feel accomplished and fulfilled once it is completed. Fox Haven is an extremely special, unique place. The people I have met there are unlike no others I have ever met, and a lot of them have turned into my role models. I am so happy to be able to get this amazing opportunity and I hope to carry everything I have gained from it to my next chapter in life. 



About Elle

“Hi! My name is Elle Kaminski. I am 17 years old and currently a senior at Middletown High School. I am planning on attending a 4-year university Fall of 2021 to major in Dietetics or Environmental Science. I am eager to start my internship at Fox Haven to learn valuable information for my own college experience. I hope to learn about our planet and collaborate with the experts in my area. I love to cook, paint, run, play the piano, and do anything outside!”

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