VIDEO: Decolonizing Herbalism: The Legacy of System Racism in America

Let us not forget, the land currently known as the United States was colonized using the brutal tactics of slavery and genocide. Ecosystems were destroyed as the Indigenous peoples were forced off their lands and Eurocentric government policies prohibited sacred herbalism practices, threatening severe consequences for anyone who dare defy African and Indigenous oppression. ‘

In this hour-long webinar, Racial Equity Pursuer & People’s Advocate, Qubilah Huddleston will lead an important discussion on how systemic racism has impacted black and indigenous lives throughout history, and how oppressive crimes have bled into our current health and wellness culture. Important questions will be raised as we work to define ways to mend the disproportionate levels of land equity and access to herbal knowledge.

Proceeds from ticket sales will support Fox Haven’s BIPOC Scholarship Program. If you are watching this class after the fact, please consider donating here. This offering is a way for Fox Haven to acknowledge the structures of privilege that undermine the wellness of black and brown-skinned people, and to create opportunities for people to heal and thrive.

If you identify as BIPOC and are interested in receiving discounts on classes, rentals, or retreats, please fill out our interest form here.

About the Instructor

Qubilah is the Founder and Creator-in-Chief at The Holistic Agenda. She wants to liberate herself and her communities through inclusive, home-grown wellness practices. Qubilah dreams of a world where wellness is more broadly defined and strongly believes in Black folk’s right to make health and wellness decisions that encompass physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms.

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Resource Links:

Links to the course material and studies are listed below the video.

Slide deck
Links for class resources
Join Qubilah’s Email list (don’t forget about the perks – Early bird access and discounts to her apothecary, free herbal tea sample, and the first 3 people who join will win a 30-min stress management herbal consultation!)
Link for Fox Haven’s BIPOC Discounts & Scholarship Form
Stay connected with folks from this class here




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